Jamaican PM family to homeschool

The Jamaican Prime Minister and his wife have decided that their children need some individual attention and so they have setup a situation where the kids homeschool and also get supplementary activities at a private school. It is something many parents would like to do, even a little bit, if schools allowed parents to make more real choices and became a truly public social service.

PM defends decision to teach sons at home | Building a Better Jamaica:
"However, in a response yesterday, Holness said that his children were registered in a preparatory school, like the children of previous prime ministers and education ministers, but in paying close attention to their progress it was noticed one of the sons "was not focused and attentive in his class and was falling behind." 
"Despite several interventions, we came to the conclusion that it would be best to create an individualised learning solution that would cater to his interest and stimulate his appetite for knowledge while teaching in the way he learns best. My wife decided that she would manage the process," the prime minister stated. 
In the meantime, the boys will participate in physical education and other activities at the school."
And this:
Homeschooling is somewhat rare in Jamaica when compared to other countries. However, there have been cases in which parents have homeschooled their children with remarkable success here.

Former senator, journalist and film-maker Barbara Blake-Hannah homeschooled her only son Makonnen whom she had at the age of 44.

He quickly became a computer whiz, and in 1998 at age 13 was appointed advisor to then minister of commerce and technology Phillip Paulwell.

Blake-Hannah has since written a book on homeschooling."
make public schools truly public
what's wrong with the schools?
understanding school funding

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