"I think that positioning privacy and public-ness in opposition is a false dichotomy. People want privacy *and* they want to be able to participate in public. This is why I think it’s important to emphasize that privacy is not about controlling information, but about having agency and the ability to control a social situation. People want to share and they gain a lot from sharing. But that’s different than saying that people want to be exposed by others. Agency matters."Danah Boyd states a pivotal concept, agency matters, a fact that applies to children and families in schools as well. And perhaps moving toward educational alternatives will mean grasping the social fact that agency matters for citizens, that democracy matters for nation-states, and sustainability means moving in that direction, a direction where human beings are as valuable an ecosystem as the land and sea, all of which are now devalued by a money system that is being siphoned off into swamps and pools.
Acknowledging the importance of people having the agency to control a social situation means grasping the importance of our social lives in a world where we now live many long years in institutions that work against our innate nature. These institutions, mass coerced schools, hijacked corporations, and undemocratic and poorly representative government entities all work against forming sustainable social structures.
We are now struggling on a global level with the fact that agency matters and matters deeply to human beings as we seek to ensure that the new institutions of the nation-state are stable, democratic and sustainable .
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can you explain more fully what agency is meant in this context? I am not sure I really understand. thanks.
Sure. Agency is the ability to act in the world, the ability to make choices. Families and children in mass coerced schools cannot make any choices at all. Homeschooling has given some families another choice. (Of course, wealthy families have more choices and more means to make what they cannot change work.)
I advocate for choices by every family at every school: I blog about how we can move toward schools that allow the users to make choices about what services they want. In fact, I think families making choices about what classes they want and need should drive the services schools provide. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agency_(philosophy)
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