The Edupunks' Guide: How to Become Part of a Network - Education - GOOD:
"A diploma is the final step in a traditional education, but in the DIY world, credit comes from the reputation you build by doing good work and demonstrating it to others in a community. The rules of this world are informal and evolving, but joining and demonstrating value to a network is not optional for success in the 21st century. Here's a guide to becoming a valued part of a network."
The page includes links to Anya Kamenetz's new free ebook The Edupunks’ Guide and her free online course. This is a video by a staff member of how to hack P2PU to make a personal learning plan.

Many thanks Anya, for pointing me to the new film on Paul Goodman.  I remember reading Growing Up Absurd in high school and the film is on my list.

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