a single mother's reflection on race and education

A good article, Class of 2010: A Single Mother's Reflection on Race and Education up at Race-Talk The author calls for activism and parental involvement:

Finally, our schools and kids need your support. We need you to become education activists who work on addressing the root causes of the racial achievement gap. Become a mentor or tutor. Take parenting classes. Support allied groups and agencies that help to alleviate poverty in your community. Financially support those organizations that teach inner-city kids to achieve in school. Volunteer at your local YWCA and help promote equity in education. Challenge your local school board to examine its policies through a structural racism framework. Be an active engaged parent at every stage of your student’s development. Start a grass-roots group to help parents organize and become better advocates for their children. Support policies that help good teachers become excellent teachers, and learn more about how to stop the school to prison pipeline and close the racial achievement gap.
In East Africa there’s a Maasai custom that doesn’t ask  “How are you?,” they ask, instead “How are the children?”
Stop.  Look around you.  Look all around you.  How are our children?

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